Class Names - Trū School

Class Names

A Concept of Open, Universal Love

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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr spoke of the vision of a “beloved community” in which human differences are accepted.

We embrace that vision, and have named the classes of Trū after the concept of open, universal love that should lie at the heart of all education. We believe with Parker Palmer that “the origin of knowledge is love.”

Agape (a-gah-pay)

This ancient Greek word refers to “the highest form of love, charity” and is held distinct from philia, “brotherly love.” Agape is transcendent and universal, and it exists regardless of circumstance. It reminds us of our total dependence on a greater world beyond ourselves. By learning to express agape, we can discover the capacity for a feeling of affection and kinship, even with strangers or with people whom we will never meet.

Jianai (jee-en-eye)

The Chinese philosopher Mozi in the 4th century BC developed the concept of “inclusive care” (jiān’ài, 兼愛) as distinct from the “benevolent love” of Confucianism. Jianai means the ideal of care for all people, regardless of their status. Mohism stressed that rather than adopting different attitudes towards different people, love should be unconditional and offered to everyone without regard to reciprocation, not just to friends and family, “inclusively caring for each other, and in interaction benefiting each other.” Jianai is how we build a society with compassion.

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