Why Trū

At Trū, we believe that every activity can relate to broad lifelong goals:understanding, personal growth, competency, and achievement.

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One day a child at Trū asked the question,
“How do people learn?”

We think about that question every day. We invite you to ask it yourself. What school experiences would match well the ways that children learn?

Parents choosing a K-5 private school in the Bay Area often look for a place where learning can follow their child’s temperament and strengths. Children thrive in a flexible and project-based environment full of challenge. They feel most comfortable when teachers know them well and provide support in finding their own voices.

Trū offers an academic program that differentiates among students with activities suited to your child’s development. We cultivate authentic, caring relationships to nurture empathy and strong communication skills. We provide hands-on projects to develop skills in critical thinking and problem solving. We teach children to accept each other as unique individuals.

Trū will prepare your child to meet the academic demands of later schooling as well as the complex demands of later life. We do this through a curriculum informed by national standards and decades of educational research and development. Our extensive field trip program provides real-world experiences for children through partnerships with local organizations. With meaningful STEAM activities (science/technology/engineering/arts/mathematics), we introduce technology as a tool more than a toy—integral to learning in the modern world.

Continue exploring what Trū has to offer

A Message From Our Head

Theodore Timpson

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Happy Birthday Trū!

Ten Years Strong

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Philosophy and Purpose

The Cycle of Exploration

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