“We did not come to keep the world as it is; we came to the world in order to remake the world.” ~ Paulo Freire
The Trū community is dedicated to a vision of belonging in which the gifts of any child and any family are invited, welcomed, and celebrated.
From their earliest days at Trū, children learn the saying championed by the teacher-writer Vivian Paley, “You can’t say you can’t play.” What this means in practice is that children strive to include each other in their games the same way they are all included in the classroom. Differences of age and temperament are accommodated. Rules are changed to make the game work better.
Trū aims to create a society that values and hears the perspectives of others. We understand that conflict is a natural part of life, so we support children with the skills to work through conflict in a balanced and constructive way. Kindness and understanding breed trust. Emotional safety allows children to become more curious and to learn more freely. Our students express, listen, respond, and connect with other people to become involved citizens of the world.
We do not need to look far to know that the ideals of Trū do not always prevail. Our “Mother, Sister, Daughter” project leads children to explore the ways in which women around the world lack equal access to power and privilege. Our “People” project explores the lasting effects of slavery, immigration, and prejudice on marginalized groups. Our “California Wealth” project seeks to understand how this extraordinary region has accumulated vast riches, and who has the most access to them. In these projects we seek to awaken the natural and heartfelt sense of fairness in children, to make them sensitive to difference and responsive to injustice.
At the same time Trū understands how the barriers of ethnicity, culture, and class can prevent families from feeling welcome in a community. Our board is engaged in a long-term assessment of the ways to build deep diversity, with a commitment to the difficult conversations and courageous steps that such an effort requires. Our Community Based Tuition program makes Trū financially accessible to any family, and we intend to match that program with an understanding of the challenges that each family faces.
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