
Thinking about Experience

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All children have a multitude of experiences.

What kinds lead to learning?

We believe that every experience can become a learning experience. What matters is how the experience is interpreted and understood. This is the process of reflection, and we regularly engage children in that process.

What kind of learning produces success? What is “success”? At Trū, students take the time to watch carefully and analyze what they see, cultivating the habit of close observation. Through deliberate conversation and dialogue, they refine their explanations. Whether watching the effects of high pressure or debating how to fund the hospital in their role playing game, the children of Trū come to see that the most interesting questions have no easy answers. They learn to live in the space of not knowing.

Reflection also teaches us about ourselves. The child who notices when she is feeling anxious, and the child who discovers a strategy for making friends are both learning from their experience.  At Trū those topics enter the normal discourse, and the students learn that the best kind of knowledge makes life richer and more fulfilling.

Empty yourself of everything.
Let the mind become still.
The ten thousand things rise and fall while the Self watches their return.
They grow and flourish and then return to the source.
~ Lao Tsu

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