Reflection - Trū School


Thinking about Experience

Inquire today

All children have a multitude of experiences.

Which ones create deep learning?

Empty yourself of everything.
Let the mind become still.
The ten thousand things rise and fall
while the Self watches their return.
They grow and flourish
and then return to the source.

~ Lao Tsu

“A few days ago, I was feeling upset and I told my daughter, ‘My mind is not a happy place right now.’ She said, ‘I know what to do for that! It’s called mindfulness!’ She sat me down, had me cross my legs and put my hands on my knees and close my eyes. ‘Imagine that you are on a beach. What color is the sand? How does the sun feel? What are you doing? Are you playing in the water or on the sand?’ She went on for probably 3-5 minutes like that.”

– a Trū parent

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