
Relationships and Communication

“The desire to be cared for is almost certainly a universal human characteristic.” ~ Nel Noddings

Young children spend so much time in the world of feelings.

By recognizing and responding to those feelings, teachers create an atmosphere of genuine welcome. An embedded social emotional learning program arises from the principle that relationships and academic learning go hand in hand. Children want to know that their teachers and peers like them, value them, and listen to them.


Trū cultivates empathy in deliberate ways.

We help children find words to describe what they feel. Our conflict resolution process begins with reminding each child to notice their own feelings, to take deep breaths for greater calmness, and to look at the other person’s face. We use the natural human capacity to mirror the expressions of others and sense how they might be feeling. Children also practice listening exercises to see how well they understand what another person told them. In many activities we use music to awaken an immediate, sensory experience of different feelings and cultures.

Trū School Climate Data Report

The best measure of a school’s performance is how responsive the school is to each individual in the community: students, teachers and parents.


One of the best ways to measure the success of Trū in meeting our goals is through an assessment of what educators call “school climate.” This is a broad term that indicates the quality of relationships and atmosphere in a school, and it is highly correlated with typical academic measures.

Periodically we use a tool called the School Climate Assessment Index, developed by the Association for the Study of School Climate. The assessment is conducted through surveys of parents, staff, and students across a range of indicators of positive school climate, including relationships, environment, and teaching practices.

While we don’t conduct the standard state academic tests shown in this graphic, Trū’s climate rating places it ahead of 98% of schools that conduct this assessment, a remarkable level. This rating has persisted across the last six years that we have conducted this survey, and our level of school climate effectiveness is called “systemic” according to the test administrators.

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Personal Well Being


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Growth Mindset

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